Asphalt is the most commonly used surfacing for many applications, such as driveways and parking lots, as well as industrial and commercial areas. Asphalt is a mixture of petroleum by-products and stone aggregates that has many advantages. But it still needs to be properly maintained to preserve its qualities and durability. This is where the quality of the asphalt coating used is key.
Asphalt is a ground coating that has many advantages. A quality asphalt surface provides significant impermeability that promotes rapid water runoff to the sewers. In addition, asphalt is a flexible material. The flexibility allows it to adjust to the movements of the ground, thus preventing cracking and fissuring.
Its lifespan, which can be up to 25 years, will depend primarily on the quality of the installation. This includes the initial excavation (especially in terms of depth), as well as the quality of the materials and the installation itself. To this, we would also mention that it is essential, in order to maintain the life and qualities of an asphalt pavement, to maintain it regularly, with an adequate asphalt coating.
An asphalt coating, also known as asphalt sealant, is a product that provides maintenance and protection for the asphalt surface. It allows the appearance of the asphalt area to be preserved for many years, but also its qualities to be maintained. It acts as a fortifying agent. It is usually laid several months after the first asphalt pavement is laid, and will then need to be reapplied approximately every 6 years. There are two main types of asphalt coating, acrylic and bitumen.
It is made of an acrylic resin, and its purpose is to extend the life of the asphalt, as well as to improve and protect its appearance. This asphalt coating provides a protective layer against chemicals, fertilizers, gasoline and motor oil, salt, but also against extreme weather conditions.
Acrylic asphalt coating is often appreciated because it allows the application of different colours to the pavement, from grey to green to terracotta.
Unfortunately, acrylic asphalt coating forms a waterproof layer that can lead to cracks if rainwater infiltrates the pavement and cannot flow effectively.
This asphalt coating is also known as a bitumen sealant, and consists largely of oil and ingredients similar to those used in asphalt. As a result, it adheres well to the pavement and allows the pavement to “breathe”, allowing infiltrated water to evaporate naturally.
However, caution is required since some bitumen asphalt coating brands still contain solvents that can be harmful to your health and the environment. It is important to be well informed about the composition of the product before purchase, in order to make the best choice.
Whatever asphalt coating you wish to choose, we recommend that you first have the condition of your pavement checked by a professional. He will be able to diagnose any failures and necessary repairs, but also advise you in the choice of asphalt coating best suited to your needs and the area to be treated.